Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Creative Connections for December

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this December!
12/1 An apple a day keeps the doctor away! On National Eat a Red Apple Day, it’s time to grab a healthy snack. Apples are one of the oldest fruits grown and consumed by people!

12/2 Hanukkah (Chanukah) is the Jewish Festival of Lights and lasts eight days. Candles are placed in a Menorah and one candle is lit each day to commemorate The Miracle of the Oil. Do you celebrate Hanukkah? Would you like to share your favorite Hanukkah traditions with your child’s class? Speak to your teachers about when you can come in, we’d love to have you share your traditions with us!

12/8 While there is no factual information on where National Brownie Day came from, a warm brownie with a glass of milk seems like a great snack to eat anytime! How do you like your brownies? Do you prefer the edges or the center, with nuts or with frosting? Whatever your preference, enjoy 1 (or 2) today on National Brownie Day!

12/12 National Gingerbread House Day is a great day to start a new family tradition! Have you ever made a Gingerbread House…from SCRATCH? It is very easy to make; the hardest part is shaping out the pieces you need for the house. If building one from scratch is not your forte, you can pick up a kit at the store!

12/13 Happy Birthday to the National Guard. Its history began with the Massachusetts Bay Colony and came into existence on December 13, 1636. The National Guard still consists of citizens providing protection from National disasters and train regularly to benefit our communities.

12/17 Despite their lack of high school diplomas, both Wilbur and Orville Wright earned honorary graduate and post graduate college degrees and numerous awards. Originally, bicycle builders, we celebrate the Wright Brothers for their first successful flight of a mechanically propelled aircraft today! They are a testament of putting their minds to something and not giving up despite having many odds against them!

12/21 Crossword puzzles are simple yet challenging word games where letters are arranged to be read up or down. Created by a journalist in 1913, today it is recognized that crosswords puzzles are not just fun but have lots of benefits including sharpening your brains problem solving ability. National Crossword Puzzle day is a fantastic way to start a new brain building activity!

12/25 Christmas means something different to everyone. If there is joy in your heart, have the spirit of giving and sharing, come together with friends and family to enjoy your time together, you are spreading Christmas love everywhere you go. Enjoy the day! Merry Christmas!

12/26 In ancient times in Egyptian and Chinese societies they would use papyrus paper to write letters to those they cared for. Fast forward to modern day, we complete this task to thank someone for good deeds or gifts as a way to show we appreciate them! Today, National Thank you Note Day spend sometime with your children writing or drawing notes for any gifts they may have received during the holiday season!

12/31 The Merriam Webster dictionary defines New Year’s Eve as: The last day of the year. Pretty dull definition although accurate. However your family celebrates New Year’s Eve, the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne will be heard somewhere in the background! Happy New Years!

December Snacks & Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!
12/2 An easy Hanukkah treat even the youngest can create, Marshmallow Dreidels. Bring some in to share with your child’s class and maybe instruct them how to create them while you teach them a song about the Dreidel!

12/8 Brownies! Their yummy chocolatey goodness with or without nuts (my favorite). Nearly everyone loves a warm brownie. Ever make brownie cookies? Me neither, but something tells me this easy recipe is delicious!
12/12 While waiting for your gingerbread house pieces to bake, have your kiddos hone their fine motor skills by cutting, coloring and gluing these paper gingerbread house pieces together.

12/19 While enjoying the indulgence of tasty holiday treats, have your kids help make a healthy breakfast treat of oatmeal raisin muffins! Delicious! (Add some chocolate chips as a sneaky surprise when they aren’t looking!)

12/25 When the hustle and bustle of Christmas begins to overwhelm your little ones, find a quiet spot and help them create this I Spy Holiday Calm Down bottle. (Remember to glue the lid shut!)

12/31 Do your kids try and stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve? Create some new, New Year’s Eve traditions by creating these activities together!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Are You a Tuned In Parent?

There is continuous discussion about the overuse of screen time by young children but this is an interesting article in Exchange Everyday by Erika Christakis to consider whether we as parents are tuned in?

Continuous Partial Attention
Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy, and mutual valuing.-Rollo May

“Smartphones have by now been implicated in so many crummy outcomes—car fatalities, sleep disturbances, empathy loss, relationship problems, failure to notice a clown on a unicycle—that it almost seems easier to list the things they don’t mess up than the things they do. Our society may be reaching peak criticism of digital devices,” writes Erika Christakis in the July/August 2018 edition of The Atlantic.

“Even so, emerging research suggests that a key problem remains underappreciated,” she continues. "It involves kids’ development, but it’s probably not what you think. More than screen-obsessed young children, we should be concerned about tuned-out parents…
Despite a dramatic increase in the percentage of women in the workforce, mothers today astoundingly spend more time caring for their children than mothers did in the 1960s. But the engagement between parent and child is increasingly low-quality, even ersatz. Parents are constantly present in their children’s lives physically, but they are less emotionally attuned…

Yet for all the talk about children’s screen time, surprisingly little attention is paid to screen use by parents themselves, who now suffer from what the technology expert Linda Stone more than 20 years ago called ‘continuous partial attention.’ This condition is harming not just us, as Stone has argued; it is harming our children. The new parental-interaction style can interrupt an ancient emotional cueing system, whose hallmark is responsive communication, the basis of most human learning. We’re in uncharted territory.”

Source: “The Dangers of Distracted Parenting,” by Erika Christakis, The Atlantic, July/August 2018

Monday, September 3, 2018

Preparing for Preschool

September brings the end of lazy days, relaxed routines, and spending countless hours outdoors! September brings forth set schedules, appointments, and the constant rush, rush, rush to fit everything into our kids waking hours.

It’s Back to School season and here is a great article with some tips to help us to get back into the season and keep the lines of communication open with your child.

Your child’s first school experience is the first step in your child’s life long adventure of learning so you want to make it as positive as possible.  Remember it is a big transition for you also so preparing together will help ease this new step for both of you.  

By using these eight tips you may ease some of the anxiety. 

1.     Take your child to visit the school they will be attending.  Meet the teacher, see the classroom and visit the playground
2.     Read stories about going to school.
q  Spot Goes to School by Eric Hill
q  Chu's First Day of School by Neil Gaiman
q  Preschool Hooray by Linda Leopold Strauss
q  Llama llama misses mama by Anna Dewdrey
q  The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn

3.     Partner with your child’s teachers.  She will be a great resource and you can fill her in on some of your child’s favorite activities that she can have available to help ease transitions.
4.     Use pretend play where your take turns being the teacher.
5.     Make a special shopping trip to let your child pick out their lunch box, back pack or a school supply. 
6.     Send in a photo of Mom and Dad that the child can look at during the day if he or she is missing you.
7.     When the time comes to drop your child off you can plan a goodbye routine, a special hug or song but be strong and resist the back and forth rescue as that will only make your child anxious by feeling your unsure about this first experience. 
8.     At the end of a long day, you want to know what your child has been doing! Asking your child “What did you do today” might be met with “Nothing” or “I don’t know”, no matter the age of the child.   It’s important to keep communication open so your child feels comfortable talking about all aspects of their day, whether they have been good or challenging. Here are some tips to help extract aspects of your child’s day and keeping the doors of communication open.
Ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer:  Instead of asking, “Did you have a good day?” try asking a question that requires more than a yes or a no like, “Who did you play with today?” “What was your favorite activity today?”. Be prepared to answer the same questions from your child too! After all, they wonder what it is you do when they aren’t around!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Creative Connections for August

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this August!

8/3 According to the Watermelon Board, watermelon is considered both a fruit and a vegetable. Like fruit, watermelon has seeds & juicy sweet flesh. A watermelon is also considered a gourd related to cucumbers and pumpkins and it is cleared from the field like a vegetable crop! So, eat your fruits and vegetables on National Watermelon Day!
8/4 Today we celebrate National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! We have Ruth Graves Wakefield to thank for chocolate chips, we can also celebrate her on Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, because without her adding chocolate chunks to sugar cookie dough, who knows when the decadent simple treat would’ve been created!!
8/7 On August 7th, join your local police department in building police-community partnerships and help make your neighborhood safer, by attending a local National Night Out initiative. Neighborhoods host block parties, parades and other community events helping to bring the police and public together under positive circumstances.
8/15 We have C. Goodfellow to thank for National Lemon Meringue Day! She founded the dessert; her own cooking school & is the inventor of lemon custard! Served as a dessert, the lemon meringue pie is a baked pie made with a shortbread pastry, with a lemon curd filling and a fluffy meringue topping. Have you ever made your own lemon meringue pie? It’s not hard to do but does take a little time. You can use a short cut and buy a pre-made frozen pie shell to cut down the time! 😉
8/16 On National Airborne Day, we honor the U.S. Airborne Forces & the first parachute jump on August 16, 1940. During WWII the U.S.  Army conducted the first parachute jump during combat! President George Bush created National Airborne Day in 2001.
8/18 Started in 2009 by a group of bee keepers, National Honey Bee Day honors honey bees and bee keepers. The concept behind this day is to bring together bee keepers & bee associations to connect with communities to advance beekeeping.
8/21 To honor our population over the age of 60, President Ronald Reagan issued a Proclamation creating National Senior Citizen Day! To quote his Proclamation, “For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older.” On National Senior Citizen Day, we should spend time to appreciate those grandparents and older adults in our lives for all they have done for us and society.
8/24 In honor of the anniversary of the waffle iron, National Waffle Day is observed on August 24th. Waffle’s are created by heating waffles between two iron plates which give the waffle it’s unique characteristics. Belgian waffles originated in the U.S. at the New York World’s Fair in 1964. Do you prefer your waffles as a breakfast food or a dessert?
8/26 The Women’s Equality Day Proclamation was passed in 1973. The U.S. Congress designated August 26th, as the official day to commemorate the 19th amendment which granted women the right to vote.
8/28 Do your kids love the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? Did you love to watch them as a child? Who was your favorite? The first episode in this now iconic TV show aired on August 28th, 1993. Take a rainy afternoon and share some original episodes with your child(ren). It is a fantastic way to start a dialogue with your child(ren) about differences and problems, how you felt as a child about them and how to resolve them!
8/31 Today, National Trail Mix Day, honors this healthy snack. Traditionally, trail mix consists of granola, nuts & dried fruit. Many hikers take it with them as an easy, lightweight, nutritious and portable snack. Whether you make your own or buy it pre-made, it’s a great meal on the go!
August Snacks & Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!
8/2 To help reduce stress levels and to share some quiet time with your child(ren) break out the coloring books and crayons for National Coloring Book Day! There are some great free coloring pages on this website.
8/4 Do you have a favorite family chocolate chip cookie recipe? I know in my family, I have several recipes based on each of our family members cookie preferences. Some people like them crispy and crunchy and others like them soft and gooey. Do you make yours with butter, Crisco or a combination of both? Whatever your preference, why not bake up a double batch, one for your family and one for your child’s class?
8/18 While honey bees can be intimidating, they create something very tasty for us to eat and cook with! Honey! Create this simple thumbprint craft with your little one(s)!
8/21 On National Senior Citizens day take some time to let the older adults in your life know that you appreciate them. Perhaps take some time to make these colorful placemats for your local senior center to use!
8/24 How do you like your waffles? I love homemade buttermilk waffles while my younger children love the frozen boxed variety! I prefer them as a breakfast food while my husband prefers them as a dessert with ice cream! If you’ve never tired to make waffles before, it’s super simple, the hardest thing about making a waffle is waiting for the timer to go off on the waffle iron or the toaster!
8/31 Need a quick healthy snack recipe that your kids can make by themselves for themselves and the family? Reach for trail mix ingredients you likely have in your pantry already. Put out bowls of different nuts, small crackers, cereal, pretzels, dried fruits, and small chocolates for your child to make a trail mix that they like! They will feel proud they were able to make a recipe without help!

Things to do:
This is a great website that details fun FREE things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!
Depending on what county you live in, On August 7th, join your local National Night out group in their scheduled activities! Somerville is hosting an event at Exchange Field! Branchburg’s event will be held at White Oak Park. Look online and see if your township or county holds an event closer to you!
On 8/18, World Honey Bee day, contact one of these farms on the NJ Beekeepers Association website and find out if they give out educational information on honey bees or tours of their grounds! You can also find out if they have a batch of local honey for sale. Local honey when consumed is supposed to help lesson the symptoms of seasonal allergies!
Every Friday night in Somerville, you can attend Cruise Nights! Cruise on down, grab some pizza at Alfonso’s, check out the vintage cars and stop by Division street for dessert and some live outdoor music! Your kids will love seeing the balloon guy and sometimes there is even a face painter!!!
On summer Sunday evenings at Duke Island Park, pack a picnic and a lawn chair and listen to some live music!
From August 8-10, attend the Somerset County 4-H fair in Bridgewater. It’s a no frills, free fair, with tents full of animals, 4-H club groups, local vendors and a food tent. It’s a perfect inexpensive fun outing for the whole family.
For additional things to do within Somerset County, check out the Somerset County tourism page weekly!
If you have not checked out this is another place to look for things happening in the local area!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Creative Connections for July

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this July!
Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and chose Open Hyperlink
7/1 Appearing during medieval times in Germany, gingersnap cookies are flavored with ginger, cloves & allspice. July 1st, is National Gingersnap Day. Do you have a favorite gingersnap recipe you like to make? Do you enjoy them with tea, coffee, milk or ice cream?
7/3 Crispy and sweet, these wafers are a favorite American treat! Around the world, chocolate wafers are used as a key ingredient in cookies and ice cream sandwiches. No matter where or how you enjoy your chocolate wafer cookies, celebrate on July 3rd, National Chocolate Wafer Day!
7/4 Independence Day: July 4th is America’s birthday! Independence Day marks the anniversary of the day Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence!
7/7 While there is no record as to why National Macaroni Day was created, this “holiday” is built around making, eating and creating all things macaroni.
7/9 The sugar cookie began it’s start as a “jumble”, otherwise known as an unleavened dried biscuit! Pennsylvania adopted the Nazarene Sugar Cookie as the state’s official cookie as a House Bill in 1892! Enjoy today, National Sugar Cookie Day and don’t forget to enjoy it with your class by bringing your favorite sugar cookies to share!!!
7/11 Take a break from your usual boring breakfast routine and reach for a blueberry muffin on today, National Blueberry Muffin Day!
7/13 There is quite a debate on where the French Fry was created, but there is no debate that they are a favorite of children everywhere! Do you have a favorite French Fry that you will be eating today, National French Fry Day?  Steak fries, String or Curly? Do you dip them in ketchup, mayo, ranch or a chocolate shake?
7/15 National Ice Cream Day has been observed since 1974 thanks to President Ronald Reagan. On the 3rd Sunday in July, Americans enjoy ice cream as a snack food or dessert to celebrate the day. Which ice cream flavor is your favorite?
7/20 While no one knows for sure when the lollipop was invented, we do know how it got its name! In the early 1900’s the owner of a small candy store named the modern day “lollipop” after his favorite race horse, Lolly Pop! So today, July 20th is National Lollipop Day!
7/22 In 1994, President Bill Clinton signed a law establishing the 4th Sunday in July as National Parents Day! This day helps promote responsible parenting and recognizing positive parental relationships!
7/25 Thank you to whoever created HOT FUDGE SUNDAE DAY! This variation of a sundae where the sauce is heated & poured over ice cream is a delicious dessert! What are your favorite toppings to include on your hot fudge sundae? I personally like whipped cream and sprinkles!
7/28 A relatively new National Day, National Dance Day is today, July 28th! Established in only 2010, today is dedicated to dance, all types of dance from ballet, tap, hip-hop to crazy & wild dance in your living room! Participating in this mind & body movement promotes health and wellness, helps fight obesity and promotes exercise!

July Snacks & Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!
Here is an easy cool treat to enjoy on National Wafer Day! Enjoy this Icebox Cake that your children can make for the family or their classrooms by themselves!!
On Independence Day, July 4th before you are watching the fireworks at night, why not create some fireworks on paper in anticipation of the nights activities!
It is blueberry season! On July 11th, National Blueberry Muffin Day show off your baking skills and make your best blueberry muffin. I have a fabulous blueberry, lime & coconut muffin. This streusel topped blueberry muffin looks delicious!
How many licks does it take to get to the center of the Tootsie Roll Pop? Well as easy as 1, 2, 3, you can make your own lollipop plate decoration!
On July 28th, National Dance Day how will you show your dance skills? Check out the National Dance Day dance on the Dizzy Feet Foundation website.
Things to do:
This is a great website that details fun FREE things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!
Do you want to see some fireworks for the 4th of July? The local Somerset County Patch printed a guide of fireworks around the county.
A local farm in Princeton, Terhune Orchards, holds an annual blueberry bash. Enjoy picking blueberries, making blueberry crafts, sample blueberry muffins and jams, wagon rides or enter your best blueberry recipe in their annual Blueberry Bash Bakeoff.
This is the last week for the State Fair at the Meadowlands play some games, enjoy some rides and eat some yummy carnival food.
Whether you buy lollipops for National Lollipop Day, make them or just eat them, check out Candyland Crafts in Somerville, NJ for all your candy needs. Call Candyland crafts to find out if they are holding a lollipop making class.
If you have not checked out this is another place to look for things happening in the local area!
For additional things to do within Somerset County, check out the Somerset County tourism page weekly!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Week of the Young Child

The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). The purpose of the Week of the Young Child™ is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. The 2018 Week of the Young Child™ was April 16–20 and it was a time to plan special activities at school and home with young children.  NAEYC, the world’s largest early childhood education association, has nearly is committed to providing and promoting excellence in early childhood education. 

Kangaroo Kids, a NAEYC accredited school, celebrated with a unique schedule of events.  The kick off for Week of the Young Child was Music Monday!   Teachers, children and parents will share their love of music.  JoAnn Zagari music teacher will lead the classes in musical adventures.  Parents are also invited to come share their musical talents!  After the kickoff, children had special events all week in their classes, which emphasized the importance of literacy, staying fit, appreciating the arts and giving back to the community. The Week of the Young Child closed with an ice-cream social.  A perfect opportunity to enjoy a delicious treat while socializing with classmates and reflecting upon the week! 

If you would like information about upcoming programs at Kangaroo Kids or a list of special activities you can do with your child call 908-231-7800 or email us at or like Kangaroo Kids Child Care Facebook page.   May is Open House Month at Kangaroo Kids where any new student can try a class for free!        

Monday, April 16, 2018

Creative Connections for April

Here are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this April!

4/1 April Fool’s Day AND EasterPrepare your best pranks & practical jokes. Use #AprilFoolsDay to post on social media. If you participate in Easter, you can attend church services, dye eggs & have an Easter egg hunt! Click the links for activities

4/3 National Find a Rainbow Day. How can you create your own personal rainbow?

4/5 is National Deep-Dish Pizza day: Thanks to Pizzeria Uno founder Ike Sewell National Deep Dish Pizza Day was created!

4/7 National Coffee Cake day: The first coffee cakes are thought to have originated in Germany. These were more like sweet breads than cakes.

4/12 Grilled Cheese Day! Although it only requires 3 ingredients, grilled cheese is one of the most popular comfort foods in the world!

4/16 Wear your Pajamas to work Day Relax the dress code and work in comfort on wear your pajamas to work day!

4/17 National Cheeseball Day National Cheeseball Day is a day to stuff yourself with cheeseballs!! Yum!!

4/22 Earth Day Earth Day, which was established in 1970 in the US, is celebrated on 22nd April each year. It is a day to think about our planet and what we can do to keep it special; to think about saving water and energy, reducing pollution, recycling, protecting our animals, trees and plants, and generally getting kids interested in protecting their environment.

4/26 National Pretzel Day Pretzels have been enjoyed since medieval times when monks created the treats from bits of dough that were twisted together to represent a child's arms in prayer. The frugal monks called it a pretiola, or Latin for "little reward."

4/27 Babe Ruth Day Babe Ruth Day honors one of the greatest baseball players of all time!

April Snacks
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!
Passover is from March 30th-April 7th. Make this flavorful Apple Cake for Passover! Omit the nuts if you are sharing it at school!
Need to find a fun food for April Fools Day to trick your family and friends? How about Pound Cake Fries and Raspberry Ketchup!
Looking for a creative Easter craft to make with your children? How about Q-tip Easter egg painting!! Bring yours in and share how you made it with your class!!
April 3rd is Find a Rainbow Day! Can you make a rainbow using your hands??

How do you like your grilled cheese? Are you a traditionalist or do you like a more fancy grilled cheese? Here is 21 ways to make grilled cheese your family will go crazy for!!

For National Pretzel Day would you prefer a salty or sweet pretzel? How about both??

This is a great website that details fun FREE things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!

If you have not checked out this is another place to look for things happening in the local area!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Creative Connections for March

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this March!
Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and chose Open Hyperlink
3/2 National Read Across America Day – Falls on Dr. Seuss’ birthday. It is a campaign to help celebrate reading across America

3/6 Although unknown in origin, March 6th is National Oreo Day, do we really need a reason to  celebrate Oreos? What is your favorite flavor?

3/14 National Pi Day is on March 14th! What do you know about Pi, not to be confused with Pie!

3/17 St. Patrick’s Day is held in observance of the death of St. Patrick the Patron saint of Ireland!

3/20 It’s National Ravioli Day! What is your favorite ravioli filling? Meat, lobster, cheese???

3/23 is There are dozens of dips to compliment your favorite chips and dozens of chips to compliment your favorite dip on National Chip and Dip day!

3/27 Ever wanted to change your name? Well on this silly National Joe Day, if you ever wanted to change your name, even if for 1 day, March 27th you can call yourself Joe!

3/28 National Manatee Day: Sea cows are considered large and graceful. These herbivores have been on the endangered species list since 1967

Here is an adorable book by John Lithgow called I’m a Manatee. Download a free copy of the book from this website

3/31 March 31st is National Crayon Day! Can you guess how many crayons Crayola makes a year?

March Snacks
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!
On March 2nd in honor of National Read Across America Day/Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Can you make Cat in The Hat birthday hash browns to go with your green eggs and ham?
In honor of National Oreo Day, can you help Mom and Dad make this No Bake Oreo Cake
Want to make your own Leprechaun? All you need is some paper, paint and a plastic fork!
Help Mom and Dad make this easy Baked Ravioli! You just need a few ingredients!
Here is an adorable book by John Lithgow called I’m a Manatee. Download a free copy of the book from this website.

Have broken crayons and wondering what to do with them? How about these cookie cutter crayon crafts?
Please take pictures of your activities and share them with your classrooms! We would love to see what you create!!
This is a great website that details fun FREE things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!