Sunday, February 13, 2011

Parent Partnerships

Parental Involvement

It is important, regardless of the age of your child, to stay involved!  When you’re involved, you send the message that your child is valued and that his/her activities are worthy of your time.  It also helps to keep the avenues of communication open and builds lasting bonds. 
  1. Parent partnerships are crucial to a high quality educational program.
  2. There should be an open door policy where parents are welcome to visit at anytime.
  3. Parents should be encouraged to be involved and participate in the program.
  4. There should be a respectful environment for all cultures.
  5. Ask what type of communications parents can expect to receive?  Here are a few possibilities:
Tracking sheets
Parent Conferences
  1. Are there events that involve the family?
  2. Is the school involved in any community service projects?

Make sure the programs you child is involved in value the importance of creating a partnership with parents.  Whether it is at school with the teachers, or with the coaches on a sport team, or group leaders in other activities, working together creates the best environment for your child. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Playdough Recipe

Winter Fun!  There is nothing like the family gathering to build a snowman or to go sledding down the local hill.  When it is time to come inside for some warm cocoa and indoor activities, here is a recipe that will keep those young explorers busy.  Make some homemade playdough!
  1. 3 cups flour
  2. 1 cup salt
  3. 3 Tablespoons oil
  4. 1 cup of water
In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together.  You can add food coloring to make the playdough more colorful. 
Then have fun rolling, shaping and cutting the playdough.  Children can use cookie cutters, or, for a learning experience, have them form the playdough into shapes or letters.  Just for fun, create a playdough birthday cake and use straws for the pretend candles.