Beat Brain Drain
When Kelley Dolling's first-grade
students go on summer vacation, they forget a lot of the reading skills they've
learned. "I talk to their second-grade teachers, and find out that many
children who were doing great in June are struggling in September," says
Dolling, who teaches in Cottonwood, California. "We call it the summer
Indeed, studies show that students
who read little, if at all, when school's out can lose valuable ground. And
since many 7- and 8-year-olds are just becoming competent readers, it's
especially important for them to spend time practicing. Read up on how to make
books a fun part of your family's summer routine.
Yes More Often
Chances are, your child will receive
a recommended summer reading list from his school, but don't limit him to those
books, suggests Richard Allington, Ph.D., past president of the International
Reading Association. A review of 28 studies found that students read more and
learn best when they're allowed to select their own material. "It isn't
that hard to get kids to read during the summer -- it's hard to get them to
read the books you want them to read," Dr. Allington says. His advice?
Take your child to the library or bookstore once a week and let him decide what
he wants to read. That means not objecting if he chooses a Justin Bieber
biography, the latest issue of Sports Illustrated Kids, or Captain
Underpants, a graphic novel. After all, what you really want is for your
child to develop a love of reading, and that's unlikely to happen if you're
forcing him to read about things he's not interested in. If he's having trouble
choosing, suggest these teacher favorites: The World According to Humphrey,
by Betty G. Birney, the A to Z Mysteries series, by Ron Roy, and Gooney Bird
Greene, by Lois Lowry.
It Special
You want your child to be as
enthusiastic about reading as she is about splashing around in the neighborhood
pool or playing on her Minecraft app. So you've got to sell it a little -- at
least until she gets so hooked that you have to pry her away to do something
else. You can entice reluctant readers with "drop everything and
read" time. You simply shout "DEAR time!" once a day and
everyone in the family (including you) grabs a book and reads for at least 15
minutes. (Snag ideas for yourself from our Mom Must Read blog at
Make cozy nooks around the house with colorful beanbags, pillows, and a few
books or set up a reading tent in the backyard.
Beyond Books
Don't forget about all the other
text in your child's world. When you're at the playground, grocery store, or
amusement park, encourage him to look carefully at the signs. "New,
reluctant readers may get overwhelmed by a book, but if they're just reading
about their favorite animal at the zoo, they're more motivated because they
really want to understand what the words say," explains Denise Boehm, a
second-grade teacher in Weston, Florida.
a Reward
Many bookstores, public libraries,
and elementary schools have summer reading initiatives with prizes. They work!
A study at Dominican University, in River Forest, Illinois, found that incoming
fourth-graders who took part in a library program significantly improved their
reading skills during the summer break. The Barnes & Noble summer reading
program ( will give your child a free book for
participating, or you can try to tempt her with the 10 tokens given for filling
out the Chuck E. Cheese's ( reading rewards calendar.
If your kid loves screens, consider
getting him a tablet or download a few e-books at his level and let him read on
yours for a change. Websites can also boost reading skills. Ask your child's
teacher if his school has a subscription to an online reading program such as
Reading A-Z or Lexia that you can log on to over the summer. Or try,
a free site that offers sight-word games, storybooks, and other activities
organized by grade level. Just remember: One of the best strategies for
motivating your child to read over the break is to limit overall screen time.
"If your child has easy access to electronics that provide fun with little
effort, reading is naturally going to be a tougher sell," says Daniel
Willingham, Ph.D., a cognitive scientist at the University of Virginia, in
Charlottesville. So stash books in the car, and the next time your child says
he's bored, leave your smartphone in your purse and ask him to read a story to
you instead.
Originally published in the June
2013 issue of Parents magazine.