transition to preschool is often marked with two steps forward, one step back,
as your child grows and learns in amazing ways — but at the same time,
regresses in some behaviors, too. In Scholastic for Parents, Child psychiatrist
Joshua Sparrow, M.D., is an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School
professor and co-author, with T. Berry Brazelton, of Touchpoints 3 to 6
and a former preschool teacher and gives this advice about how to ease your
child's transition.
Starting preschool is a
big step for many young children. What are some of the biggest challenges they
The most common challenge for most kids is saying goodbye to their parents, or
trouble separating. For some children this may be their first time out of the
home. Others may have separated before, but are now in a new, possibly more
demanding situation.
How can parents help
soothe their children's separation anxiety?
First, they can look within for whatever ambivalence they have about leaving
their child, because he will pick up on those feelings. If there's any
hesitation or discomfort or doubt — which there often is; you hate to leave
your child when he's unhappy about it — but if you don't feel good about where
you're leaving him, or about the fact that you have to leave him, your child's
going to feel, "Well, maybe this isn't really a good place or idea."
The first thing you have to do to prepare your child is to prepare yourself.
How else can parents
help ease the transition for their preschooler?
There are a number of things you can do to prepare your child. Prior to
starting school, take your child to visit the classroom and meet the teacher.
If there's a way of having a playdate with one of the other children who will
be attending the preschool, that's great, because then the children can welcome
each other when they begin school. You could give your child a transitional
object, like a favorite blanket or teddy bear they can carry around with them
all day; or even a story so the teacher can read it. And give your child lots
of reassurance that "Mommy's coming back," or "Daddy's coming
To reinforce the idea, you can play a little game
in which something disappears from sight but your child rediscovers it. Roll a
ball under the couch and say, "Look, we can't see it. Do you think it's
still there? Let's go look." When your child finds the ball, you can say,
"See, even though we couldn't see the ball it's still there, just like
Mommy when she went to work." What you're doing is reinforcing
"object permanence," a concept that comes earlier (by the end of the
first year) but can be threatened by the emotional challenge that separation
What are some of the
ways preschool helps a child grow? By Child
psychiatrist Joshua Sparrow
For some children this may be the first time they're going into a group setting
where the attention by caregivers will be divided among several children.
Learning to share the relationship to the teacher will be a major new gain.
Also, the child will be learning to make friends, share, take turns, and hold
back on impulses, areas in which they're still making progress. Preschool will
present them with more opportunities to practice these skills. They'll also
have opportunities to learn about other children's feelings, and to discover
the joy of being generous. It's very early, but you'll see examples where the
child will say, "Do you want to play with this doll?" That's their
little gift, and they're learning the internal pleasure they get out of that.
Also, at this age kids love the daily routine of
preschool. They get excited about mastering the schedule — they
know when storytime and snack and lunch and nap happen — and they're really
thrilled with themselves. Their fantasy play becomes
stronger around this age, and there are ways of being more elaborate with their
imagination when other children are around. They also benefit from their peers
in terms of language acquisition, and even motor development. You may start to
see them climb up on a slide more readily, for instance.
It important on the first day of school to make the
morning as stress free as possible by picking out clothes the night before and
having back packs and supplies ready in a specific place by the door. Get up a little early so you are not
rushing. Make breakfast time a relaxing
time to talk about all the fun the new school year will bring. If your child is very apprehensive talk about
a special thing you will do after school like a visit to the park. This will help to assure them you will be
back. Partner with your child’s teacher
to help ease the transition. The teacher
can give you some tips for drop off and tell you what they will be doing the
next day so you have something to discuss on the ride to school on the second
day in order to reinforce how much fun your child will have at school.
At Kangaroo Kids we encourage the parents to visit
a number of times with their child before leaving the child on their first day
of school. This helps the parent and
child to form bonds with the teachers that will help to make the transition on
the first day go more smoothly. A
familiarity with the environment and new faces provides a more secure foundation
for their first drop off at a new school.
We also encourage parents to send a family photo that may get lots of
wet kisses on the first few days.