Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from the entire staff at
 Kangaroo Kids! 

Have a "Hauntingly"  Good Day!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween Safety

Halloween can be a fun day for the whole family!  Here are a few great tips from the Center For Disease Control to help make your Halloween adventures fun and safe!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Principles for Effective Guidance and Discipline

  1. Discipline is not punishment, but an opportunity to help children behave appropriately.
  2. Discipline includes preventing problems and helping child succeed.
  3. Discipline helps children learn self-control and how to get along with others.
  4. It is appropriate and necessary for children to be curious, experiment and test the limits.
  5. The environment and routine should prevent crowding of children and other frustration or situations that lead to discipline concerns.
  6. All children, at all times, including their most challenging moments, deserve respect.
  7. Labeling children negatively affects everyone, especially the child.
  8. Role-modeling appropriate behavior is more effective than telling children how to behave.
  9. Before intervening, give children an opportunity to work out their struggles themselves, when possible.
  10. Limit the use of the word, “No.”
  11. Having a consistent adult response is the norm to redirecting behavior.
  12. Praise good behavior and efforts or attempts at trying to behave appropriately. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 Things to Look for When Choosing a School for your Child

  1. Staff is key!  Look for attentive and caring teachers.  You should see lots of smiles and warm, patient interactions.  Ask about the longevity of teachers as consistency provides a secure base for children.

  1. Is the facility safe?   Are outlets appropriately covered, is there a procedure for security at drop off and pick up times, is the playground fenced, are the teachers backgrounds checked, and are teacher’s first aid and CPR certified?

  1. Is the school clean?  You may see toys around the room and that is a good sign that children have many opportunities for learning in different environments and with different materials.  What you want to look for: are the floors clean, is there a system in place for toys that have been in children’s mouths, is the facility cleaned on a regular basis?

  1. Ask about the curriculum.  Are lesson plans posted, do teachers assess children, are there a good supply of materials available to children?

  1. Trust your instinct!  You should hear happy sounds, respectful communications, and warm interactions regardless of the room you visit! 

You can email for a complete checklist of what to look for when visiting a school.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Children Learn Through Play

Did You Know…

·         When children identify and recognize shapes they are practicing simple geometry, an important early math skill!

·         When children squeeze playdough they are developing the fine motor skills they will need for writing!

·         When you read nursery rhymes to your child you are helping him or her with their ability to sound out words!

·         When children play with blocks they are learning engineering skills!

·         When children play with water they are learning science concepts like being able to identify which objects sink and which float as well as make experimenting with making predictions!