Saturday, November 30, 2019

Creative Connections for December

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this December!

Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and chose Open Hyperlink
12/1 An apple a day keeps the doctor away! On National Eat a Red Apple Day, it’s time to grab a healthy snack. Apples are one of the oldest fruits grown and consumed by people!
12/8 While there is no factual information on where National Brownie Day came from, a warm brownie with a glass of milk seems like a great snack to eat anytime! How do you like your brownies? Do you prefer the edges or the center, with nuts or with frosting? Whatever your preference, enjoy 1 (or 2) today on National Brownie Day!
12/12 National Gingerbread House Day is a great day to start a new family tradition! Have you ever made a Gingerbread House…from SCRATCH? It is very easy to make; the hardest part is shaping out the pieces you need for the house. If building one from scratch is not your forte, you can pick up a kit at the store!  Kangaroo Kids Gingerbread contest is tomorrow!
12/13 Happy Birthday to the National Guard. Its history began with the Massachusetts Bay Colony and came into existence on December 13, 1636. The National Guard still consists of citizens providing protection from National disasters and train regularly to benefit our communities.
12/17 Despite their lack of high school diplomas, both Wilbur and Orville Wright earned honorary graduate and post graduate college degrees and numerous awards. Originally, bicycle builders, we celebrate the Wright Brothers for their first successful flight of a mechanically propelled aircraft today! They are a testament of putting their minds to something and not giving up despite having many odds against them!
12/21 Crossword puzzles are simple yet challenging word games where letters are arranged to be read up or down. Created by a journalist in 1913, today it is recognized that crosswords puzzles are not just fun but have lots of benefits including sharpening your brains problem solving ability. National Crossword Puzzle day is a fantastic way to start a new brain building activity!
12/22 Hanukkah (Chanukah) is the Jewish Festival of Lights and lasts eight days. Candles are placed in a Menorah and one candle is lit each day to commemorate The Miracle of the Oil. Do you celebrate Hanukkah? Would you like to share your favorite Hanukkah traditions with your child’s class? Speak to your teachers about when you can come in, we’d love to have you share your traditions with us!
12/25 Christmas means something different to everyone. If there is joy in your heart, have the spirit of giving and sharing, come together with friends and family to enjoy your time together, you are spreading Christmas love everywhere you go. Enjoy the day! Merry Christmas!
12/31 The Merriam Webster dictionary defines New Year’s Eve as: The last day of the year. Pretty dull definition although accurate. However your family celebrates New Year’s Eve, the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne will be heard somewhere in the background! Happy New Years!

December Snacks & Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!
12/8 Brownies! Their yummy chocolatey goodness with or without nuts (my favorite). Nearly everyone loves a warm brownie. Ever make brownie cookies? Me neither, but something tells me this easy recipe is delicious!
12/12 While waiting for your gingerbread house pieces to bake, have your kiddos hone their fine motor skills by cutting, coloring and gluing these paper gingerbread house pieces together.
12/22 An easy Hanukkah treat even the youngest can create, Marshmallow Dreidels. Bring some in to share with your child’s class and maybe instruct them how to create them while you teach them a song about the Dreidel!
12/25 When the hustle and bustle of Christmas begins to overwhelm your little ones, find a quiet spot and help them create this I Spy Holiday Calm Down bottle. (Remember to glue the lid shut!)
12/31 Do your kids try and stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve? Create some new, New Year’s Eve traditions by creating these activities together!

Things to do:
This is a great website that details fun FREE things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!
Please join us on December 13th for our Winter Wonderland! Visit our cookie room for cookie tasting, take a picture with Santa, bring in your Gingerbread House for our Gingerbread House competition and join in with some caroling at the end of the event!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Creative Connections for November

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this November!

Happy Thanksgiving

Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and chose Open Hyperlink
11/2 Ever hear of eggs mimosa? Neither have I! It’s another name for deviled eggs! Today, on National Deviled Egg Day, will you enjoy this treat as an appetizer or a main dish?
11/6 National Nachos Day has a unique history. Created in 1943 in Texas at a restaurant, the maître d needed to create a tasty dish for guests when the chef wasn’t around! The only foods in the kitchen were tortillas and cheese! You can guess what tasty treat he created!
11/8 Do you know what S.T.E.M stands for? Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math. Occupations related to S.T.E.M are expected to grow 70% faster than other occupations. To celebrate National S.T.E.M Day, discover a new activity such as photography, sudoku or astronomy!
11/11 Veterans Day became a national holiday on November 11th, 1938. However, prior to 1954 Veterans Day was originally called Armistice Day! President Eisenhower signed legislation changing the name to Veteran’s Day to honor all American wars.
11/14 What is your favorite pickle? A Dill, Gherkin, Bread & Butter or Kool Aid pickles?!?! Learn some interesting facts about pickles today on National Pickle Day!
11/19 Making its debut as “The Landlord’s Game” in 1903, one of the most popular board games in the world is Monopoly. On National Play Monopoly Day, grab some friends, family and snacks then roll your dice for a chance to win the jackpot at Free Parking!!!
11/28 What is Thanksgiving? It is a day set aside every year to give thanks for all the blessings you have received throughout the year. Click the link to learn some kid-friendly Thanksgiving Facts!

November Snacks & Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!
11/2 How do you like your Eggs Mimosa (Deviled Eggs)? Do you add relish, paprika, or a secret ingredient? Do you eat them only on special occasions or are they a staple in your house? Every family seems to make them their own way on National Eggs Mimosa Day that seems like a great occasions to a try a new recipe!
11/6 Nachos are such a versatile snack to make! So many delicious yet unhealthy options to add as toppings. Have you ever tried making apple nachos? This seems like an easy dessert nachos recipe to try!
11/8 Due to the increasing popularity of STEM programs available to children, putting together brain building activities are endless! This activity brings story telling to life on National STEM day!
11/11 Even the youngest child can help thank our military veterans. On Veterans Day children can color these cards to give to a family or friends who have served in the military.
11/14 Are you pro or anti pickle? Have you ever tried to make pickles of feel it’s too difficult to do? Try this Icebox Pickle recipe that you can make with your kids!
11/19 There are so many versions of monopoly on the market, ever think about creating your own? With this DIY Monopoly Template, you can customize a game for your class or neighborhood. Try it for National Play Monopoly Day!
11/28 With so much to be thankful for everyday and on Thanksgiving, let’s have our little helpers help make dessert to kick off this holiday season. While engaged with your kids, you can talk with them and hear what and who they are thankful for! This is a simple recipe, they can help mix and form once the temperature cools down. Enjoy!
Things to do:
Please take pictures of your activities and share them with your classrooms! We would love to see what you create!!
Don’t forget to check out the Kangaroo Kids Website for information on events like Parent Night Out and upcoming field trips
Save the Date for our Winter Wonderland on Friday, December 13th. More information to come!
There are great websites that detail fun & often free things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Creative Connections for September

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this September!
Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and chose Open Hyperlink
9/2 Observed on the first Monday in September, Labor Day is a Federal Holiday in the U.S. celebrating the achievements of the American Workers.
9/5 While the origins of Cheese Pizza Day are unclear, this simple food is easy to make with very few ingredients! An easy day to celebrate, all you do is indulge with your favorite cheese pizza.
9/12 The milkshake has been around since the late 19th century and was originally made as an alcoholic beverage! Today’s modern milkshake is a sweet, non-alcoholic beverage made with milk and ice cream. Today, on Chocolate Milkshake Day, make your milkshake chocolate, it’s easy to do!
9/16 Play-Doh was originally manufactured as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930’s. The product was reworked in the 1950’s as a product for children! In 2003, Play-Doh was placed on the Toy Associations “Century of Toys” list.
9/21 National Cleanup Day is held in conjunction with World Cleanup Day. Let’s work together keeping the earth clean and have some fun getting rid of litter in the parks and streets.
9/24 It’s National Cherries Jubilee Day! Cherries Jubilee is a dessert whose sauce is made of cherries, a warmed liquor and is served over vanilla ice cream then you flambé it (set it on fire!) Have you ever had a cherries jubilee?
9/26 On National Johnny Appleseed Day, we honor the man who made apple (and pear) trees grow heavy with the bounty of their fruit across most of this country.  On September 26, we commemorate the day of his birth and celebrate his legendary wit, wisdom and enduring story.  

September Snacks & Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!
9/3 Celebrate Labor Day while educating your children about the contributions of workers all over the country. Create these “Thank You” cards and deliver them to local facilities.
9/5 Love cheese pizza? Ever make it at home? This easy recipe calls for English muffins, sauce and cheese! Your child(ren) can make it and you can bake it!
9/12 In the lazy hazy days of summer, there is nothing better in my opinion then a good old-fashioned chocolate milkshake, especially on chocolate milkshake day! This recipe is simple, delicious and includes a few variations in flavors!
9/16 According to the Play-Doh website, if you made a ball out of all the Play-Doh ever created, it would weigh more then 700 million pounds! For a rainy-day activity, use this recipe to make your own Play-Doh!
9/21 You can have fun and clean up litter at the same time! What would happen if everyone picked up one piece of litter on National Cleanup Day? Head over to and find out.
9/24 Cherries Jubilee is delicious and easy to make, but the whole flambé thing makes it a little dangerous and scary for some kids, but this Cherries Jubilee cookie recipe looks scrumptious! (If you make them, feel free to share!)
9/26 Looking for a unique treat to celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day? What about Apple Sugar Cookies? This recipe looks creative and tasty!
Please take pictures of your activities and share them with your classrooms! We would love to see what you create!!
Don’t forget to check out the Kangaroo Kids Website for information on events like Parent Night Out and upcoming field trips!
There are great websites that detail fun & often free things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Creative Connections for August

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this August!

Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and chose Open Hyperlink

8/2 It’s obvious what you do on National Coloring Book Day, but did you know that when you spend time coloring, you start to relax, it reduces stress and you feel a sense of achievement! So, on today, National coloring book day, throw a coloring party! Get some inexpensive coloring books and crayons, invite some friends over and color your stress away!
8/3 According to the Watermelon Board, watermelon is considered both a fruit and a vegetable. Like fruit, watermelon has seeds & juicy sweet flesh. A watermelon is also considered a gourd related to cucumbers and pumpkins and it is cleared from the field like a vegetable crop! So, eat your fruits and vegetables on National Watermelon Day!

8/4 Today we celebrate National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day! We have Ruth Graves Wakefield to thank for chocolate chips, we can also celebrate her on Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, because without her adding chocolate chunks to sugar cookie dough, who knows when the decadent simple treat would’ve been created!!

8/6 On August 6th, join your local police department in building police-community partnerships and help make your neighborhood safer, by attending a local National Night Out initiative. Neighborhoods host block parties, parades and other community events helping to bring the police and public together under positive circumstances.

8/15 We have C. Goodfellow to thank for National Lemon Meringue Day! She founded the dessert; her own cooking school & is the inventor of lemon custard! Served as a dessert, the lemon meringue pie is a baked pie made with a shortbread pastry, with a lemon curd filling and a fluffy meringue topping. Have you ever made your own lemon meringue pie? It’s not hard to do but does take a little time. You can use a short cut and buy a pre-made frozen pie shell to cut down the time! 

8/16 On National Airborne Day, we honor the U.S. Airborne Forces & the first parachute jump on August 16, 1940. During WWII the U.S.  Army conducted the first parachute jump during combat! President George Bush created National Airborne Day in 2001.

8/17 Started in 2009 by a group of bee keepers, World Honey Bee Day honors honey bees and bee keepers. The concept behind this day is to bring together bee keepers & bee associations to connect with communities to advance beekeeping.

8/21 To honor our population over the age of 60, President Ronald Reagan issued a Proclamation creating National Senior Citizen Day! To quote his Proclamation, “For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older.” On National Senior Citizen Day, we should spend time to appreciate those grandparents and older adults in our lives for all they have done for us and society.

8/24 In honor of the anniversary of the waffle iron, National Waffle Day is observed on August 24th. Waffle’s are created by heating waffles between two iron plates which give the waffle it’s unique characteristics. Belgian waffles originated in the U.S. at the New York World’s Fair in 1964. Do you prefer your waffles as a breakfast food or a dessert?

8/26 The Women’s Equality Day Proclamation was passed in 1973. The U.S. Congress designated August 26th, as the official day to commemorate the 19th amendment which granted women the right to vote.
8/31 Today, National Trail Mix Day, honors this healthy snack. Traditionally, trail mix consists of granola, nuts & dried fruit. Many hikers take it with them as an easy, lightweight, nutritious and portable snack. Whether you make your own or buy it pre-made, it’s a great meal on the go!

August Snacks & Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these recipes and crafts with your children!

8/2 To help reduce stress levels and to share some quiet time with your child(ren) break out the coloring books and crayons for National Coloring Book Day! There are some great free coloring pages on this website.

8/4 Do you have a favorite family chocolate chip cookie recipe? I know in my family, I have several recipes based on each of our family members cookie preferences. Some people like them crispy and crunchy and others like them soft and gooey. Do you make yours with butter, Crisco or a combination of both? Whatever your preference, why not bake up a double batch, one for your family and one for your child’s class?

8/17 While honey bees can be intimidating, they create something very tasty for us 
to eat and cook with! Honey! Create this simple thumbprint craft with your little one(s)!

8/21 On National Senior Citizens day take some time to let the older adults in your life know that you appreciate them. Perhaps take some time to make these colorful placemats for your local senior center to use!

8/24 How do you like your waffles? I love homemade buttermilk waffles while my younger children love the frozen boxed variety! I prefer them as a breakfast food while my husband prefers them as a dessert with ice cream! If you’ve never tired to make waffles before, it’s super simple, the hardest thing about making a waffle is waiting for the timer to go off on the waffle iron or the toaster!

8/31 Need a quick healthy snack recipe that your kids can make by themselves for themselves and the family? Reach for trail mix ingredients you likely have in your pantry already. Put out bowls of different nuts, small crackers, cereal, pretzels, dried fruits, and small chocolates for your child to make a trail mix that they like! They will feel proud they were able to make a recipe without help!

Please take pictures of your activities and share them with your classrooms! We would love to see what you create!!

Don’t forget to check out the Kangaroo Kids Website for information on events like Parent Night Out and upcoming field trips and camp activities!

There are great websites that detail fun & often free things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Explaining the 4th of July to Children

Think explaining the 4th of July to children is difficult?

Try explaining some basic facts, such as John Hancock was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence!

Here are some more fun facts:

Monday, June 3, 2019

It’s Carnival Time! Family Fun at Kangaroo Kids for a Good Cause!

Kangaroo Kids Annual Family Carnival will be held on Wednesday June 26th  from 5:30-7:30 at the school on 1047 Route 28 in Branchburg!  The community is welcome to attend this fun family event!

Come enjoy pony rides, petting zoo, face painting or visit with many costumed characters including Sparky and Kanga!  There will also be a basket benefit. Participants will have an opportunity swim in Kangaroo Kids onsite pool! And, what carnival would be complete without cotton candy and hot dogs!

Carnival attendees can also participate in many activities and donate to Autism Speaks!  Community service is an important part of the curriculum at Kangaroo Kids.  All proceeds from the event will go to Julia's Hope, Autism Speaks.

According to Autism Speaks, Autism is the fastest-growing serious developmental disability in the United States, affecting 1 in 68 children and costing families an average of $60,000 a year. Kangaroo Kids Child Care and Learning Center donated $3,778.49  last year to Autism Speaks, “Julia’s Hope,”   and this year hopes to increase their donation. Since the inception of the Family Carnival Kangaroo Kids has donated over $15,000 to Autism Speaks.

 The Carnival will also be a kick off to an exciting summer program at Kangaroo Kids with swimming in their onsite pool, field trips, special guests, and many wonderful learning adventures.  Each week has a different theme as children take an adventure on a Pirate Ship, create Wacky Experiments, and explore Under the Sea adventures!    For further information about Kangaroo Kids Carnival, Summer Program, Swim lessons or Autism speaks contact the school at 908-231-7800 or email You can also visit the facebook page at Kangaroo Kids Child Care and Learning Center for updates on the Carnival!  

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Creative Connections for June

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this June!

Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and choose Open Hyperlink
6/1 Celebrated on the 1st of Saturday in June, National Trails Day recognizes the benefits of going for a walk-in nature. Find a local trail and expose your children to birdwatching or geo-caching!

6/6 The first Drive in Movie Theater opened in Camden in 1933. While the Drive-In Movie concept exploded in the 1950’s, by the 1990’s over 3000 Drive-In’s had closed. Learn where the 2nd still operating Drive-In movie is located today  on National Drive-In Movie Day

6/11 Boiled, grilled, roasted or juicy and sweet raw, on National Corn on the Cob Day, visit your local farm market to pick up some local fresh delicious corn!

6/16 The third Sunday in June is reserved for Father’s Day! Did you know that Father’s Day began in 1910 but didn’t become a proclamation until 1972! Whether grilling or attending a sporting event with your father, he will be glad to have you near!!

6/23 Experience frequent headaches, brain fog and fatigue? Perhaps you are dehydrated! On National Hydration Day, learn how you can stay hydrated. Check with your doctor on safe ways you and your family can stay hydrated in these upcoming warm months!

6/30 Ever see a meteor shower? On National Meteor Watch Day, it’s a great day (weather permitting of course) to see meteors streaking across the sky?

June Snacks and Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these with your children!

6/1 When going for a walk on National Trails Day, are you prepared? NJ has tons of trails to discover! Are you packing your essentials like extra water and sunscreen? How about a trash bag? Take a look at this list of essentials you should bring with you when you are on a trail!

6/6 Shankweilers Drive-In Theatre in Pennsylvania in 1934. Still operating on weekends, perhaps try and visit over this weekend for National Drive-In Movie Day.

6/11 While eating hot delicious buttered corn is a favorite summer food of mine, ever wonder what kind of craft you can come up with involving corn? How about “Hopping Corn”? It’s a simple science activity all aged children can participate in! Try it on National Corn on the Cob Day!!

6/16 While celebrating your dad this Father’s Day, why not whip up this simple and delicious Oreo Cheesecake Parfait dessert to spoil him with?

6/23 Looking for ways for your kids to stay hydrated this summer but feel water is too boring? On National Hydration Day, learn some different ways to hydrate your kiddos!

6/30 Do you have a child interested in all things space? On National Meteor Watch Day, lean how to make watching a meteor shower enjoyable for your entire family!

Please take pictures of your activities and share them with your classrooms! We would love to see what you create!!
Don’t forget to check out the Kangaroo Kids Website for information on events like Parent Night Out and upcoming field trips and camp activities!

There are great websites that detail fun & often free things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Earth Day

Earth Day, which was established in 1970 in the US, is celebrated on 22nd April each year. It is a day to think about our planet and what we can do to keep it special; to think about saving water and energy, reducing pollution, recycling, protecting our animals, trees and plants, and getting children interested in protecting their environment.  

Here are some great ideas to do to celebrate Earth Day   with your children. 

At Kangaroo Kids we teach children about recycling and reusing.  We learn to take care of the earth by planting and garden and helping to keep the stream clean. 

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Creative Connections for April

Below are a few ideas with links to crafts and recipes you can create with your children this April!
Create with your children – If you have trouble opening the hyperlink, left click the link and choose Open Hyperlink
4/1 “Find a penny, pick it up, all day long you have good luck!”. April 1st is commonly referred to as April Fools Day, it is also known as National One Cent Day! The original penny was produced in 1787 and much larger than our current penny!
4/7 If you know someone who has a special talent for making beautiful things? Take an extra minute to show appreciation for their talent on National Homemade Day! Simply tell them how much you appreciate their talents!
4/11 The first submarine that was commissioned by the U.S. was in 1900 and named the USS Holland. On National Submarine Day, learn more about how submarines have adapted from the earliest recorded sub in 1620 to now!
4/18 While the origin of the High-5 likely started in the 1970’s, the history of the National High Five seemingly grew out of kindness. Why not make someone smile by giving them a surprise greeting today!
4/19-4/27 Passover or Pesach is a holiday that falls around the same time as Easter. Passover is a time to remember when God had Moses free the Israelites from slavery. Special foods are eaten during this time including unleavened bread called matzo.
4/21 Ever wonder why Easter falls on a different date every year? Officially, it falls on the first Sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox. It is also Christianity’s most important holy day and Americans consume more than 16 million jelly beans during this holiday! Whether you celebrate Easter or not, these 19 fun facts about Easter are amusing!
4/25 The 2019 National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day’s theme is Workforce Development for all. Activities should empower children to make positive changes within their communities, schools and home.

April Snacks and Crafts
Bring out the inner chef and artist in your child. Try your hand at these with your children!
4/1 On National One Cent Day make your own Lucky Penny Spinner inexpensively with some card stock, a penny, markers, scissors and tape!
4/7 Making something homemade adds an extra special touch to gifts. Ever think about making something homemade for our wild-life friends? On National Homemade Day, why not make a special homemade ornament feeder for our wildlife friends today?
4/11 Take a trip into NYC for a day to explore the USS Intrepid and learn about the submarine the USS Growler on National Submarine Day!
4/18 A wonderful movement blanketing the country is an individual morning greeting where a student chooses how they want to be greeted. They can choose a hug, a fist bump or a High 5. Today, why not greet each other with a special High 5 you created yourself.
4/19-4/27 Looking to switch up a recipe for Passover? How about creating an Overnight Matzo Breakfast Bake for a satisfying Passover breakfast?
4/21 Looking for a cute Easter craft for your kids? Why not have them create these cute goldfish carrots for their classmates?
4/25 Whether or not you are able to take your child to work on National Take our Daughter and Sons to Work Day, creating a “When I Grow Up” poster can spur a conversation towards things your child might be interested in!
Please take pictures of your activities and share them with your classrooms! We would love to see what you create!!
Don’t forget to check out the Kangaroo Kids Website for information on events like Parent Night Out and upcoming field trips!
There are great websites that detail fun & often free things to do in New Jersey every month! Call ahead and make sure the activities are happening before you head out for your day!
Find a local NJ Easter Egg hunt on this website. Always call first to verify the event is taking place!
Take a look at this website for activities to do in Somerset County with your children as a family as well as links to restaurants and outings to do without your kids for those rare, parents night out activities!
If you have not checked out this is another place to look for things happening in the local area!
Join us April 8–12, 2019 for five fun-filled, themed days to celebrate of our youngest learners! The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration hosted by NAEYC to spotlight early learning, young children, their teachers, families, and communities.

Week of the Young Child - naeyc

From April 29-May 5, 2019, children, families, entire schools, and communities will rediscover the joys of life beyond the screen. Plan to unplug from digital entertainment and spend all that free time playing, reading, daydreaming, creating, exploring, and connecting with family and friends!

Screen-Free Week - American Public Health Association