Friday, July 1, 2011

Learning A Second Language Can Boost Brain Power!

Did you know that bilinguals may have an advantage beyond just communicating with more diversity? Research shows that it may be better for your brain. Some preliminary evidence shows that being bilingual may actually physically remodel parts of the brain.

Knowing two or more languages truly gives kids so many advantages in life. Bilingual kids have the advantage of knowing two cultures, of being able to communicate with a wider variety of people, and the possibility of economic advantages in their future. An acquaintance of mine has a 28 year old son who just got passed over for a promotion because one of his competitors (who didn’t have the stellar business record that her son did) got the promotion solely because his advantage was speaking two languages.

There used to be a common misconception that children exposed to two languages from birth would become confused, or fall behind monolingual children. But new studies show that it may actually boost your brain power.

The advantages of bilingualism may be more than just ‘mental fitness.’ It may enhance the ability to multi-task. And there has been recent research that being bilingual may help stave off Alzheimer’s by at least 4 or more years!

Research has shown that second language study offers many benefits to students in terms of improved communicative ability, cognitive development, cultural awareness, and job opportunities. Society as a whole also profits economically, politically, and socially when its citizens can communicate with and appreciate people from other countries and cultures. Parents and educators would be wise to take advantage of the many available opportunities and resources for second language learning for the benefit of children coming of age in the 21st century.

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